Well, my website is powering ahead. My Cheeky Girl's Apartment are coming ahead in leaps and bounds, and now we are both on Facebook. But before I conquer Twitter with 1,000 fans and delve into my Webonist website for more seo, I just want to share my newest innovation, my Cathy's new poetry course. Penned and authored by Cathy, she hopes poets everywhere will love it. And I hope Better Than Ever will be successful!

I have spent ages creating two good websites. Cathy has doe a wonderful job of making something very elegant and yet simple to manage. I hope people hit the vote buttons too.

Happy Day for us!

Pimp my Web - Cheeky Girl's Apartment
I am experimenting with some amazing new templates and I am deciding which one I will use for my brand new website this week. There are so many blogger templates to choose, my cup runneth over. I may need to have a rethink about how to monetize my site. I am planning to put amazon and Google Ads on this but I might opt for a third as yet un-named ad system as well.

Meanwhile, I want my poetess sister to see this and see what she thinks too. She wants to expand her horizons too! Aaah, it is a joy to be alive!